PERJU Sandu, Despre imposibilitatea prelungirii pe cale convenţională a termenului legal de completare a biletului la ordin în alb

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 6 din 2015
Tip: Doctrina

Despre imposibilitatea prelungirii pe cale convenţională a termenului legal de completare a biletului la ordin în alb

Despre imposibilitatea prelungirii pe cale convenţională a termenului legal de completare a biletului la ordin în alb

Sandu Perju


Regarding the impossibility of conventionally extending the legal deadline for filling in the blank promissory note


An issue addressed in discussions in the literature regarding the blank promissory note was represented by the legal nature of the 3-year period in which such a bill has to be filled in, putting into question the possibility of its conventional extension by the parties, under a legal document separate from the blank promissory note. The dispute focuses on the nature of private or public order of the 3-year period provided by art. 12 para. (2) of Law no. 58/1934, and an item of topical importance of the debate refers also to the applicability of art. 2549-2550 contained in Book VI, Title II of the new Civil Code which generally regulates the legal regime of the time limits.

Keywords: blank promissory note; filling in; legal deadline;...

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