DRAGHICI Aurelia, BODOASCA Teodor, Contribuţii la studiul procedurii de judecată în cazul cererilor din materia adopţiei

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 1 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Contribuţii la studiul procedurii de judecată în cazul cererilor din materia adopţiei

Contribuţii la studiul procedurii de judecată în cazul cererilor din materia adopţiei

Prof. univ. dr. Teodor Bodoaşcă

Prof. univ. dr. Aurelia Drăghici

Inputs to the study of the trial procedure in case of claims in the matter of adoption


The proposed study is intended for the examination of the provisions of art. 85-92 of Law no. 273/2004 regarding the adoption procedure, regarding the trial procedure of the claims set forth under this law. Concretely, the following shall be subject to examination: the setting up of panels, the assessment of the claims following the non-contentious proceedings, the claim in the matter of adoption, producing of evidence, participation in the trial of certain persons and authorities, the court order in the matter of adoption, appeal against decisions delivered in the court of first instance.

As far as we are concerned, we consider that such an examination is useful, especially from the perspective of the numerous and significant changes to this...

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