UNGUREANU Carmen Tamara, Contractul electronic

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 9 din 2015
Tip: Doctrina

Contractul electronic

Contractul electronic


* e-mail: carment_ungureanu@yahoo.com

Prof. univ. - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi


In this study there are analyzed the issues raised by the conclusion and performance of the electronic contracts, also having in view that the cyberspace where they are located has no borders. There are examined, by turns, the regulation of the electronic contract (1); the notion of electronic contract, the notion of electronic means, the classification of electronic contracts (2); the formation of the electronic contract (3); the proof of electronic contract (4); the delocalisation of the electronic contract and its significance for the international trade law (5).

Keywords: electronic contract; regulation; notion; formation; proof; delocalisation.

Introducere. Încheierea contractelor prin negocierea clauzelor acestora şi, ulterior, prin redactarea şi semnarea unui înscris a devenit, în ultimii ani, din ce în ce mai...

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