GICU Vasile Gabriel, Consimţământul în materia donării de organe, celule şi ţesuturi

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 11 din 2013
Tip: Doctrina

Consimţământul în materia donării de organe, celule şi ţesuturi

Consimţământul în materia donării de organe, celule şi ţesuturi

Drd. Vasile Gabriel GICU


The transfer of tissues and organs as provided by the Convention on human rights and biomedicine, by Directives, the new Civil Code, by law and the rules on law enforcement, created a framework of legal institutions specific to this field. Within this environment of legal institutions, consent takes specific forms as related to the type of transfer, as well as the status of donor or recipient of transfer. The author attempts to capture the essence of these specific forms and circumstances of expressing consent, or revoking it. The brief enumeration of legal sanctions following the violation of binding rules aims to present the legal framework for the protection of the donor’s or recipient’s consent, as required.

Cuvinte cheie: consent, donor, recipient, prior and informed consent, free, express and written consent, deceased donor, under age donor.


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