STEFANESCU Ion Traian, Consideraţii referitoare la rolul sindicatelor şi al reprezentanţilor angajaţilor în desfăşurarea raporturilor de muncă

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 1 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Consideraţii referitoare la rolul sindicatelor şi al reprezentanţilor angajaţilor în desfăşurarea raporturilor de muncă

Consideraţii referitoare la rolul sindicatelor şi al reprezentanţilor angajaţilor în desfăşurarea raporturilor de muncă

Prof. univ. emerit dr. ION TRAIAN ŞTEFĂNESCU*

* e-mail:


This study analyzes the rules within the Romanian labour legislation referring to the attributions of the trade unions in correlation with those of the elected representatives of the employees. It is concluded that there are, in this matter, legal solutions obviously uncorrelated, major errors, unjustified exclusions from the exercise of some attributions of the representatives of the employees in favour of the trade unions. All these despite the fact that, in terms of essential competences - either of the trade unions or of the representatives of the employees -, the legal solutions are identical. In relation to these findings there are made a series of proposals to improve the labour legislation which have as objectives to clarify the role and to state the attributions of the...

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