TOP Dan, Consideraţii privind acordarea unui ajutor financiar pentru plata serviciilor oferite de bonă

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 2 din 2020
Tip: Doctrina

Consideraţii privind acordarea unui ajutor financiar pentru plata serviciilor oferite de bonă

Consideraţii privind acordarea unui ajutor financiar pentru plata serviciilor oferite de bonă

Prof. univ. dr. Dan ŢOP

Universitatea Valahia din Târgovişte


The establishment of the legal framework for the granting by the local public administration authorities of aid to families with preschool children was the subject matter of a normative act, which provides the requirements for granting financial aid, the necessary documents, the granting procedure, as well as the suspension, termination or recovery of the unduly collected amounts. The nanny profession was regulated a few years ago. The exercise of the nanny profession can take place in two ways: by concluding an individual employment contract with a legal person or as an authorized natural person, or based on a service contract concluded with the child’s legal representative. The financial aid is granted within the limits of the annual budgetary funds approved for this purpose in the local budget.

Keywords: financial aid for the...

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