LETIA Alina, Consideraţii în legătură cu practicile anticoncurenţiale

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 2 din 2013
Tip: Doctrina

Consideraţii în legătură cu practicile anticoncurenţiale

Consideraţii în legătură cu practicile anticoncurenţiale


* e-mail: office@legalconsult.ro

Avocat - Baroul Bucureşti

Colaborator - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea din Bucureşti


In this study the author carries out a summary of the anti-competitive practices, of the applicable laws at the national and European level, of the investigation and control procedures. Thus, the anti-competitive practices, the different views of the American law system and the European law system are examined regarding these practices and their impact on the national and world economy, the actions taken by the supervision and control authorities for their incrimination, the applicable sanctions.

Keywords: competition; cartel; concerted practice; anti-competitive practice; The European Competition Network; The Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice; The General Directorate of Competition; investigation; clemency.


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