RADUCAN Gabriela, Consideraţii asupra aplicabilităţii beneficiului cauzei de reducere la jumătate a limitelor pedepsei prevăzute de lege, consacrat prin art. 15 din O.U.G. nr. 78/2016, art. 30 din Legea nr. 656/2002 şi art. 367 alin. (5) C. pen.

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 1 din 2019
Tip: Doctrina

Consideraţii asupra aplicabilităţii beneficiului cauzei de reducere la jumătate a limitelor pedepsei prevăzute de lege, consacrat prin art. 15 din O.U.G. nr. 78/2016, art. 30 din Legea nr. 656/2002 şi art. 367 alin. (5) C. pen.

Consideraţii asupra aplicabilităţii beneficiului cauzei de reducere la jumătate a limitelor pedepsei prevăzute de lege, consacrat prin art. 15 din O.U.G. nr. 78/2016, art. 30 din Legea nr. 656/2002 şi art. 367 alin. (5) C. pen.

Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela RĂDUCAN


This study aims to analyze whether the benefit of the cause of halving the limits of the punishment as provided by law, under art. 15 of G.E.O. no. 78/2016, which entirely reflects the norm of art. 18 of Law no. 508/2004 (in the case of offences within the competence of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism), art. 30 of Law no. 656/2002(in the case of money laundering offences) and art. 367(5) of the Criminal Code (in the case of the offence of setting up an organized criminal group) also applies to the person who, in committing one of the offences within the competence of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, during the prosecution denounces and facilitates...

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