APETREI Alice Mariana, Concesiunea bunurilor imobile aparţinând domeniului privat al unităţilor administrativ teritoriale

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 11 din 2014
Tip: Doctrina

Concesiunea bunurilor imobile aparţinând domeniului privat al unităţilor administrativ teritoriale

Concesiunea bunurilor imobile aparţinând domeniului privat al unităţilor administrativ teritoriale

Avocat Alice Mariana APETREI*

* Titular al Cabinetului de Avocat Alice Mariana Apetrei, în conlucrare cu SCA Wolf Theiss şi Asociaţii.


Practice reveals that more and more concession contracts are concluded in relation to private properties belonging to Romanian state or administrative units. Romanian law contains no specific provisions in relation to the concession of such properties, regulating in detail only the concession of public properties. This situation lead to practical issues and questions related, especially, to the tender procedure applicable to the concession of private properties and the content of the concession agreement. In this article, we are analyzing the differences between the concession of public properties versus the concession of private properties and we are trying to find solutions for substituting the absense of legal provisions in relation to the...

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