BANACU ROMANIUC Ruxandra, Concedierea şi termenul de preaviz^1

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 5 din 2023
Tip: Doctrina

Concedierea şi termenul de preaviz^1

Concedierea şi termenul de preaviz

Jud. drd. Ruxandra BĂNACU (ROMANIUC)

Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea din Bucureşti


The right to notice in case of dismissal is an essential guarantee of the right to work and a component of the right to information that manifests itself from the conclusion of the employment contract until its final termination. This study aims to identify the contradictory practice of the courts regarding the method of calculating the notice period and illustrates from a historical perspective the legal regulations of the law, as well as the main aspects regarding the notion, the notification form, suspension conditions and applicable sanctions from the current legislation.

Keywords: the calculation method of the notice period in case of dismissal, non-unitary jurisprudence, notion, notification form.


Dreptul la preaviz în cazul concedierii reprezintă o garanţie esenţială a dreptului la muncă şi o componentă a dreptului la informare care se manifestă de...

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