TINCA Ovidiu, Comentarii referitoare la încetarea contractului individual de muncă în cazul transferului întreprinderii

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 3 din 2013
Tip: Doctrina

Comentarii referitoare la încetarea contractului individual de muncă în cazul transferului întreprinderii

Comentarii referitoare la încetarea contractului individual de muncă în cazul transferului întreprinderii


* e-mail: ovitinca@rdslink.ro

Prof. univ. - Facultatea de Drept şi Ştiinţe Economice, Universitatea "Agora" - Oradea


The author analyzes the rules of Directive 2001/23/EC of March 12, 2001 on the appropriation of the European Union Member States’ laws relating to the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or establishments, by reference to the rules of the Labor Code (republished) and the provisions of Law no. 64/2006 on the protection of employees’ rights for transfers of undertakings, business or parts thereof; this comparative analysis reached some interesting conclusions useful both for theorists, and practitioners.

Keywords: transfer of undertakings, business or parts thereof; consequences on the Romanian labor law.

1. Preliminarii. Art. 1din Legea nr. 67/2006 privind protecţia...

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