VALLASEK Magdolna, Aspecte specifice privind contractul de muncă al personalului artistic din instituţiile de spectacole

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 7 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Aspecte specifice privind contractul de muncă al personalului artistic din instituţiile de spectacole

Aspecte specifice privind contractul de muncă al personalului artistic din instituţiile de spectacole

Dr. Magdolna VALLASEK

Lect. univ., Universitatea Sapientia Cluj-Napoca


The labour relationship of the personnel of the entertaining institutions involves a series of practical and theoretical issues. The special law introduces some important differences and gives a more precise approach of the norms, but still remain some more aspects to interpret. This makes it difficult to apply the legal norms correctly in this special domain of the artististic activities in these institutions.

In this study are presented the most important specific aspects of the labour relationship in these institutions, beginning with the duration of the labour contract, of the working and resting time, until the special clauses and the practical issues which might be met in this domain.

Keywords: entertaining institutions, individual employment contract, determined period, working time, special clauses,...

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