SPIRCHEZ Georgeta Bianca, NICOLAE Ioana, Aspecte legislative şi jurisprudenţiale relevante în evaluarea unei căsătorii de convenienţă

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 9 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Aspecte legislative şi jurisprudenţiale relevante în evaluarea unei căsătorii de convenienţă

Aspecte legislative şi jurisprudenţiale relevante în evaluarea unei căsătorii de convenienţă


* e-mail: ioana.nicolae@unitbv.ro

Prof. univ. - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea "Transilvania" din Braşov


** e-mail: georgeta-bianca.spirchez@unitbv.ro

Asist, univ. - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea "Transilvania" din Braşov


This article has as object of study the issue of the marriages of convenience concluded for the sole purpose of ensuring the right of entry and of stay of a foreign citizen on the territory of Romania. In elaborating the study plan we have considered: a first introductory part which presents the normative basis relative to the legal regime of the foreigners; a section devoted to some decisions of the Romanian Constitutional Court which has been entrusted over time with analysing the concordance of the provisions regarding the legal regime of foreigners with our Fundamental Law'; a point devoted to the European...

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