DOGARU Dan Mihail, Aspecte legate de organizarea şi desfăşurarea procedurii de atribuire. Nerespectarea obligaţiilor contractuale aferente derulării contractelor de achiziţie publică. Consecinţe

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 4 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Aspecte legate de organizarea şi desfăşurarea procedurii de atribuire. Nerespectarea obligaţiilor contractuale aferente derulării contractelor de achiziţie publică. Consecinţe

Aspecte legate de organizarea şi desfăşurarea procedurii de atribuire. Nerespectarea obligaţiilor contractuale aferente derulării contractelor de achiziţie publică. Consecinţe

Dr. Dan-Mihail DOGARU

Avocat în cadrul Baroului Mehedinţi


The public contract, as is reflected in the legal system in Romania, it comes from European Union law.

In this context, transposition of european rules into national law makes the conduct of the procedure of public contract to know the major shortcomings, that can attract competence of the criminal investigation authorities and the institutions related to competition law.

All this inevitably affects the decisions of the contracting authority, resulting in situations of financial jam, with the consequent loss of funding or economic operators involved in insolvency proceedings.

Keywords: public contract, serious breach of contract, exclusion, misappropriation of public funds by tender, conflict of interests, tax evasion, fraud


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