BODU Sebastian Valentin, Aporturile sociale (partea I)

Publicare: Revista Romana de Drept al Afacerilor 1 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Aporturile sociale (partea I)

Aporturile sociale (partea I)

dr. Sebastian BODU, MBA

Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea Româno-Americană


This article analyses, in two parts, the shareholders’ contributions to the legal capital of a company. This first part analyses: the notion of contribution; subscription and payment of the shares; legal characteristics and types of subscription; aspects of private international law; default of payment of the shares subscribed; suspension of the exercise of the shareholders’ rights; damages and late payment; foreclosure of the default shareholders; cancellation of the shares not paid; replacement issuance; cash contributions; particular considerations of the legal capital increase by cash contributions.

Keywords: Cash contributions, contributions, formation of the legal capital, increase of the legal capital, issuance of shares, payment, subscription


Articolul de faţă tratează, în două părţi, chestiunea contribuţiilor asociaţilor la capitalul social al unei societăţi...

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