BUTUR Vlad Alexandru, Aplicarea prevederilor legale în managementul resurselor umane

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 3 din 2019
Tip: Doctrina

Aplicarea prevederilor legale în managementul resurselor umane

Aplicarea prevederilor legale în managementul resurselor umane



The Human Resources Departments’ management tasks can be divided in relation to the following main activities, such as: efficient management and administration according to legislation, abilities acquisition and development and employee loyalty. Some of the human resources management activities necessitate the management requirements. However, most of the human management activities are ruled, in particular, by labor law norms. The regulatory sphere of labor law is represented by a set of legal norms which have as distinct object, namely the regulation of the social work relations. The tasks in which legal norms are fundamental in human resource management are: recruitment, contract management activities (achievement, executing, modifying, suspending and termination of individual employment contracts) and the the legal liability of employees. The article aims, is to present succinctly, the legislative norms...

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