Curtea de Apel MURES, BOANCA IVAN Marlena, Acţiunea Prefectului în anularea hotărârii privind ''scăderea unor creanţe bugetare din evidenţa contabilă''

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 4 din 2019
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Acţiunea Prefectului în anularea hotărârii privind ''scăderea unor creanţe bugetare din evidenţa contabilă''

Acţiunea Prefectului în anularea hotărârii privind "scăderea unor creanţe bugetare din evidenţa contabilă"

Prefect’s action for annulment of the decision regarding the "subtraction of certain budgetary debts from the bookkeeping"


By the Resolution of the Local Council no. 39/28.11.2018, the local council of the commune approved the re-examination of the Resolution of the Local Council no. 35/11.10.2018 as follows: for the purpose of amending its title, which shall have the following content: "subtraction of certain budgetary debts from the bookkeeping". In relation to their object, the resolutions were issued as a matter of public authority, in view of terminating certain legal relationships (with the companies involved, whose debts due were to be deducted from the bookkeeping).

Therefore, the administrative trusteeship exercised by the respondent by promoting this action, shall be admissible, those two Resolutions of the Local Council being part of the category of the...

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