PETRISOR Nela, Acţiune în răspundere civilă pentru repararea daunelor cauzate prin acte de concurenţă neloială. Termenul de prescripţie aplicabil

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 1 din 2014
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Acţiune în răspundere civilă pentru repararea daunelor cauzate prin acte de concurenţă neloială. Termenul de prescripţie aplicabil

Acţiune în răspundere civilă pentru repararea daunelor cauzate prin acte de concurenţă neloială. Termenul de prescripţie aplicabil

Civil action for compensation for damage caused by acts of unfair competition. Applicable limitation period


From the content of the provisions of art. 12 of the Law no. 11/1991 it results that the right to the action for damage for the compensation of the damages caused by acts of unfair competition shall be prescribed within one year from the date the injured party knew or should have known the damage and the person having caused it, and the period of limitation does not begin later than 3 years from the date of committing the offense.

The 3-year period established in the last sentence of art. 12 of the Law no. 11/1991 is not deemed as a period of limitation, but a limitation period within which the injured party must take steps to identify the person who caused the damage.


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