NOVAC DIACONU Laurentiu, CHIRTOACA Leonid, Acceptarea cambiei în Republica Moldova şi în România

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 7 din 2018
Tip: Doctrina

Acceptarea cambiei în Republica Moldova şi în România

Acceptarea cambiei în Republica Moldova şi în România


Asist, univ. - Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice, Juridice şi Administrative, Universitatea "George Bacovia" din Bacău


Conf. univ. - Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, avocat - Baroul Chişinău


In this study we are making reference to the acceptance of the bill of exchange in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania. The bill of exchange includes the drawer’s order addressed to the drawee to pay to the holder of the bill of exchange (payee) the amount of money mentioned in the title. This order itself includes only an obligation of the draw er to determine the payment of the amount of money to be made to the beneficiary, as well as a designation of the person (the drawee) which is going to make the payment at maturity. But the obligation to pay the amount of money does not arise from the order given by the drawer, but from the expression of...

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