CAZAN Elena, Tratamentul sancţionator aplicabil minorilor infractori în dreptul comparat

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 4 din 2013
Tip: Doctrina

Tratamentul sancţionator aplicabil minorilor infractori în dreptul comparat

Tratamentul sancţionator aplicabil minorilor infractori în dreptul comparat


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Procuror - Parchetul de pe lângă Curtea de Apel Bucureşti


In this study, the author examines by comparison the legal regulations concerning the enforcement treatment applicable to minors in different states; the analysis is carried out starting with the different systems of legal enforcement - special regulations or rules included in a general regulation, like the Penal Code, continuing with the limitations of the penal responsibility of minors, and finally - the presentation of the sanctions applicable to minors in 17 different states. In the end, the author examines the opportunity for new legal provisions to be included in the future Penal Code, in order to reduce the applicability of the sanctions in favor of the educational measures, some of which being successfully applied in other european penal regulations.

Keywords: penal responsibility of minors;...

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