SLAVOIU Radu, The Good Faith Exception în procedura penală română

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 5 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

The Good Faith Exception în procedura penală română

The Good Faith Exception în procedura penală română


Lector univ. - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea "Nicolae Titulescu" din Bucureşti


The study addresses the issue generated by the express regulation of the principle of loyalty in matters of evidence, especially from the perspective of the incidence of the sanction of exclusion of evidence in the cases where this principle has been violated. The author notes that, in general, legality and loyalty in the administration of evidence means the idea of honesty which the judicial bodies must show when constructing evidence, and the violation of these principles generates the solution of applying the sanction of exclusion of evidence. In addition, the article deals also with an aspect of these problems that has not yet received a unitary solution in the national doctrine and case law, respectively that of the existence of a conditionality between the incidence of the sanction of exclusion of evidence on the fault of...

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