TICLEA Alexandru, Telemunca la domiciliu, accidente şi securitatea în muncă - o perspectivă comparativă

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 2 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina

Telemunca la domiciliu, accidente şi securitatea în muncă - o perspectivă comparativă

Telemunca la domiciliu, accidente şi securitatea în muncă - o perspectivă comparativă

Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru ŢICLEA


Home working and teleworking are increasingly used in employment relationships. They have proved their full usefulness especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing. The greatest advantage of these forms of work is that they allow workers to combine work and private life.

However, it is possible that employees may suffer accidents while working at home. The question is: is such an accident at work or not? Who is responsible for preventing occupational safety and health risks, the worker or the employer?

This article aims to answer these questions, in particular in the light of French and Spanish legislation and case law.

Keywords: home working, teleworking, private life, accident at work.


Munca şi telemunca la domiciliu sunt tot mai mult utilizate în raporturile de muncă. Ele şi-au manifestat pe deplin utilitatea mai ales în perioada...

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