COMAN Vasile, Situaţii infralegale de nerespectare a dublului grad de jurisdicţie în materie penală care atrag trimiterea cauzelor spre rejudecare primei instanţe (II)
Publicare: Revista Dreptul 7 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina
Situaţii infralegale de nerespectare a dublului grad de jurisdicţie în materie penală care atrag trimiterea cauzelor spre rejudecare primei instanţe (II)
Situaţii infralegale de nerespectare a dublului grad de jurisdicţie în materie penală care atrag trimiterea cauzelor spre rejudecare primei instanţe (II)
* Doctorand al Facultăţii de Drept din cadrul Universităţii "Titu Maiorescu" din Bucureşti; e-mail:
Judecător-Tribunalul Prahova, Secţia penală
The present study is a continuation of the presentation of some practical hypotheses for sending the criminal cases for retrial in consideration of the principle of the double degree of jurisdiction in criminal matters, as they were retained in the relevant jurisprudence consulted, in this matter.
Thus, the following main situations are analyzed: the omission of the court to rule on some claims (other than those concerning the civil action) or applications, raised even ex officio, possibly following the omission of the correct (re)qualification of the object of the application in law; the wrong admission by the first court of the defendant’s application...
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