MIHALACHE Andruta Florinela, Scurte consideraţii în legătură cu regimul juridic al revocării donaţiei pentru neexecutarea sarcinii
Publicare: Revista Dreptul 2 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina
Scurte consideraţii în legătură cu regimul juridic al revocării donaţiei pentru neexecutarea sarcinii
Scurte consideraţii în legătură cu regimul juridic al revocării donaţiei pentru neexecutarea sarcinii
* e-mail: andragogoasa@yahoo.com
Avocat partener - "Muşat & Asociaţii" S.P.A.R.L.
** e-mail: oloeriu.claudiu96@gmail.com
Avocat colaborator asociat - "Muşat & Asociaţii" S.P.A.R.L.
Since the Romanian legislator did not exhaustively define the legal regime of the sanction of revoking the donation for the non-fulfilment of the duty, a sanction with a restricted area of application, we appreciate that this role, of establishing or configuring its scope of application, falls under the incidence of the judicial doctrine and practice. Starting from this premise, the topic proposed for analysis focuses, mainly, on the legal regime of the sanction that intervenes in the event that the obligations instituted by the donation contract for the donee are not complied with, respectively on the sanction of revoking the donation for the...
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