SCHIOPU Silviu-Dorin, Scurte consideraţii asupra art. 294 alin. (51) din Legea nr. 1/2011 a educaţiei naţionale

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 1 din 2019
Tip: Doctrina

Scurte consideraţii asupra art. 294 alin. (51) din Legea nr. 1/2011 a educaţiei naţionale

Scurte consideraţii asupra art. 294 alin. (5) din Legea nr. 1/2011 a educaţiei naţionale

Silviu-Dorin Şchiopu


Last year the Romania Law on National Education was updated by the Government Ordinance no. 9/2018 on the amendment and completion of normative acts in the field of education. The additions include the provision that the fixed-term employment contract between a university and an assistant lecturer - concluded on the basis of a competition, in which the employment standards specific to the position were met - is transformed into an employment contract of indefinite duration, conferring the status of permanently employed. Therefore this article aims to analyse the specific situations in which this provision applies. We will argue that this new provision of the law applies not only to fixed-term employment contracts concluded between PhD students and universities but also to fixed-term contracts concluded by persons already holding a doctorate at the time of hiring.


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