Curtea de Apel -, MOSNEAGU Alina Petronela, Procedura de judecată în cauzele cu infractori minori. Publicitatea şedinţei de judecată în cazul inculpatului minor devenit major la data sesizării instanţei

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 2 din 2020
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Procedura de judecată în cauzele cu infractori minori. Publicitatea şedinţei de judecată în cazul inculpatului minor devenit major la data sesizării instanţei

Procedura de judecată în cauzele cu infractori minori. Publicitatea şedinţei de judecată în cazul inculpatului minor devenit major la data sesizării instanţei

The judgment procedure in cases involving minor offenders. Publicity of the hearing in the case of a minor defendant who came of age upon seizing the court


According to art. 509 para. (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in cases involving minor defendants, the hearing session is not public, however, these provisions regarding the judgment of cases involving minor offenders shall apply under the circumstances imposed by the provisions of art. 507 para. (3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, respectively in the case in which the defendant who committed the offence when he was minor has not come of age upon seizing the court with the respective case. If the defendant has not come of age yet when he was sued, he shall be sued according to the usual procedure, even if he committed the offense when he was minor, and this last...

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