Nou IONESCU Cristian, Problema constituţională după 23 august 1944. Oportunismul şi eşecul partidelor democrate de a reconstrui regimul parlamentar democratic

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 8 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina

Problema constituţională după 23 august 1944. Oportunismul şi eşecul partidelor democrate de a reconstrui regimul parlamentar democratic

Problema constituţională după 23 august 1944. Oportunismul şi eşecul partidelor democrate de a reconstrui regimul parlamentar democratic

Prof. univ. dr. CRISTIAN IONESCU*

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Membru titular al Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România


The parliamentary democracy built on the scaffolding of the 1923 Constitution, partially reinstated on 31 August 1944, was not exercised in the classical patterns of constitutionalism, due to the presence of the Russian occupation troops, which forced the Romanian governor to adopt measures that were contrary to the national constitutional pattern. The monarchy was maintained as an ornamental institution, King Mihai being more concerned with the survival of the Crown than with respecting the sovereignty of the country. For their part, the democratic political parties did not have the strength to oppose the communist party, reinvigorated by the role played in the change of the political regime on 23 August 1944...

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