GIDRO Dominic Alexandru, Este calitatea procesuală activă justificată de interes? O scurtă analiză a practicii judiciare

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 11 din 2022
Tip: Doctrina

Este calitatea procesuală activă justificată de interes? O scurtă analiză a practicii judiciare

Este calitatea procesuală activă justificată de interes? O scurtă analiză a practicii judiciare


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Active procedural quality and interest are essential conditions for promoting any action in court. The verification of the two conditions must be carried out from the outset, firstly, by the person or persons initiating an action in court and, secondly, by the court which is invested with resolving the action. The lack of one of the two conditions paralyzes the resolution of the action on the merits and attracts the rejection of the action, either as being introduced by a person lacking procedural quality, or as being without interest.

It is not often that in the defenses formulated by the defendant the exception of the lack of active procedural capacity and the exception of the lack of interest are invoked at the same time. Concomitant invocation is often natural, as procedural quality and interest are two elements which,...

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