GAVRILESCU Alin Gheorghe, Discuţii privind regimul juridic al nulităţilor căsătoriei în lumina actualului Cod civil

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 3 din 2014
Tip: Doctrina

Discuţii privind regimul juridic al nulităţilor căsătoriei în lumina actualului Cod civil

Discuţii privind regimul juridic al nulităţilor căsătoriei în lumina actualului Cod civil


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Lector univ. - Facultatea de Relaţii Internaţionale, Drept şi Ştiinţe Administrative, Universitatea "Constantin Brâncuşi", Târgu-Jiu


This article intends to analyze the provisions of the Civil Code regulating the legal status of nullities of marriage. After a brief introduction, in which general aspects of nullities of marriage are presented, follows a discussion on the legal regime of absolute nullity of marriage and the legal status of relative nullity of marriage from the point of view of those persons who can invoke the absolute or relative nullity, of the imprescriptibility of the right of action for establishing the absolute nullity of marriage and of the prescriptibilitv of the right of action for annulment of marriage, as well as from the point of view of the possibility to cover the absolute or relative nullity.


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