NUICA Cristian, Discriminarea în raporturile de muncă. Aspecte practice

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 2 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Discriminarea în raporturile de muncă. Aspecte practice

Discriminarea în raporturile de muncă. Aspecte practice

drd. Cristian NUICĂ


The paper present, in its introduction, law regulation (Romanian Constitution, the Labor Code, special legislation in the field of non-discrimination) of the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination in employment, as well as several specific references to material liability discrimination.

In the article are analyzed two relevant cases of discrimination in the labor relations field. The first case is a case of dismissal by abolishing the jobs of a group of employees because they were the originators of extensive lawsuits against employer.

In the second case is analyzed a problem concerning the discrimination by not allowing the situation to gain a PhD bonus to a few categories of state employees represented by both staff and contractual status of civil servants and staff with official status.

The conclusion of the author is that the staff paid from public funds and who obtained his PhD after the...

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