CROITORU Mirela Steluta, Delict de presă. Problema acordării daunelor morale unei persoane juridice, pentru încălcarea dreptului la demnitate

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 1 din 2019
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Delict de presă. Problema acordării daunelor morale unei persoane juridice, pentru încălcarea dreptului la demnitate

Delict de presă. Problema acordării daunelor morale unei persoane juridice, pentru încălcarea dreptului la demnitate

Press crime. The issue of paying non-material damages to a legal entity, for breach of the right to dignity


The reason for appeal regarding the lack of capacity of plaintiffs of the persons within the management of B. bank was not acknowledged by the Court, as the image of the bank as legal entity is directly related to the image of the persons within its management, and the article aims at the activity of these persons in relation to the activity carried out within the bank.

The civil code divided the rights of personality into two categories: rights protecting human body and its biological and psychic functions and rights protecting moral values. The first category of rights is closely connected to the natural person; while the second category rights may belong to a legal entity, as well.

The second category includes the right to dignity, the right to freedom of...

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