CHIRIEAC Roxana Maria, Contractele de franciză şi clauzele de exclusivitate

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 5 din 2020
Tip: Doctrina

Contractele de franciză şi clauzele de exclusivitate

Contractele de franciză şi clauzele de exclusivitate

Asist. univ. dr. Roxana Maria CHIRIEAC

Universitatea Titu Maiorescu


The role of franchising contracts on the current market cannot be neglected, as they have advantages for both the franchisor and the franchisee. Thus, on the one hand, the franchisor has the possibility of creating a franchise network or to develop it, making his business, goods or services even better known, without needing a considerable investment, and, on the other hand, the franchisee enjoys the possibility of implementing a business model that has already been successful on the market, being accompanied in the process of starting a new business by the franchisor’s experience.

If we were to refer to the franchise in a brief presentation, it would have advantages exclusively for the contracting parties, but in practice there are various problems that arise from the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee, especially if the contractual clauses...

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