COMAN Vasile, Contestaţia privind durata procesului penal. Aspecte practice privind criteriile de apreciere a duratei procedurilor judiciare

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 4 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina

Contestaţia privind durata procesului penal. Aspecte practice privind criteriile de apreciere a duratei procedurilor judiciare

Contestaţia privind durata procesului penal. Aspecte practice privind criteriile de apreciere a duratei procedurilor judiciare


* Doctorand al Facultăţii de Drept din cadrul Universităţii "Titu Maiorescu" din Bucureşti; e-mail:

Judecător-Tribunalul Prahova, Secţia penală


Limiting the duration of the criminal trial was one of the essential objectives of the criminal trial model thought by the legislator of the new Code of Criminal Procedure, who, under the pressure also of the European jurisprudence against Romania on the line of finding non-compliance with the reasonable term of the cases, expressly dedicated a special procedure to this problematic. In order to facilitate the transparency of the judicial act and help the judge in this endeavour, in the content of the procedure (unlike the corresponding institution in the Code of Civil Procedure) a series of express assessment criteria were regulated, in relation to which the conclusion can be...

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