ILIE Ina-Cristina, Ascultarea minorului - probă în litigiile de dreptul familiei^1

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 2 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina

Ascultarea minorului - probă în litigiile de dreptul familiei^1

Ascultarea minorului - probă în litigiile de dreptul familiei

"Fiecare copil este un tip diferit de floare. Şi toţi la un loc fac din această lume o grădină frumoasă."

Jud. Ina-Cristina ILIE


Any litigation in which a minor is involved is particularly emotional. Regardless of whether we refer to the judge appointed to decide that case, the minor's parents or other participants in the civil lawsuit, hearing him/her must be carried out with great care and in compliance with strict procedures, so that this procedure will not affect his/her mental, emotional and social development. The state is obliged, through its decision-makers, to create a coherent legislative framework meant to meet all these desiderata. Minors, through the normative acts adopted, both at national and international level, must be protected, so that their involvement in the civil lawsuit, even only through the hearing procedure, will not irreparably affect their harmonious development and their integration into...

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